this website

What am I gonna do with this website? No clue. The blog, at the very least, will be fun. I think a public blog will actually make me flesh out my points in ways that are either a) less stupid, or b) actually worded in a way that can be taken seriously. Many of my thoughts exist inside of a Google Docs document. That document is rancid but contains some value, I think.


I also plan to showcase hardware I've been building out for guitar. These past few months I've been consumed with the idea of sticking a computer, touchscreen, audio interface, and speakers inside of a rackmount case, and making a unique, portable recording rig. More on that later for sure. 

website building is so much fun :))))



I wish I knew CSS, then I might be able to dodge consumer-grade website builders like easyWP or Namecheap's Website Builder. Before you know it, you're knee deep in SLOP. These services are a mess if you're looking to break out of the bounds of the templates that already exist on the platform. But I know many people make a career building off of these platforms. Dear god. Anyways, I kind of exist in this weird area where I want maximal control over my website (access to source code, ability to implement different programming languages) whilst knowing next to nothing about integrating HTML/CSS/JAVA beyond the simplest forms of web design, so I need that visual aid. The process has been arduous and I've only ended up sending just one strongly worded email.